Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blindess Kills! But It Also Adds to Hotness...

As difficult as props are to deal with, masks are even tougher! You never realize how much you rely on sight until you can't. You don't just use your eyes to learn and perform choreography; they serve as a GPS onstage. They allow you to connect with your audience too. That's how important sight is for a dancer.

When sight is taken away, you have to up the ante to compensate for not seeing. Your sense of musicality has to be on point; it's critical for you to know your ALL your counts; you have to commit to it 110%.

In other words, your dancing has to rise to a whole new level! This hip-hop choreography by Shane Sparks shows you just how difficult it is to dance with masks. But it's real' HOT!

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